sam_kanai: Defense Grid - LastStand Map
Shutter Theory: Ektachrome E100
Getting Grainier: Grotlesanden Moskva 5
Bernhard_Thum: Hoarfrost at Loisachtal
Eric Lafforgue: Mundari tribe boy taking care of the long horns cows in the camp, Central Equatoria, Terekeka, South Sudan
Jaykhuang: Dagger
Bernhard_Thum: Morteratsch and Bellavista
Bernhard_Thum: First light at Dreitorspitze N°2
Nachosan: voyage
Trey Ratcliff: Yoga Squeeze
Trey Ratcliff: Workshop Countdown
David R Munson: Fujifilm ACROS is gone and I never filled a deep freeze with it like I always said I would. So now I'll catch up on developing and scanning the backlog, and then maybe buy more film to feed the beasts.
* Yumi *: 津久井湖の桜