Dane Jasper:
Dane Jasper:
I haven't seen one of these before. I guess I need to get out more. Amsafe seatbelt-mounted airbag:
Dane Jasper:
I haven't seen one of these before. I guess I need to fly more. Amsafe seatbelt airbag:
Dane Jasper:
Auto experts: should something be protruding around the cylinder head? Pic:
Dane Jasper:
Baby wants a donut. 24/7.
Dane Jasper:
Book scanning station at the Internet Archive. Pic:
Dane Jasper:
Pic: Brewster Khale giving a tour of the Internet Archive. http://archive.org/
Dane Jasper:
SO happy kids go to bed at 8pm. Popcorn popping, on the couch, about to watch a movie.
Dane Jasper:
@Dane busted:
Dane Jasper:
@jonseff take note of closure:
Dane Jasper:
First Gigabit #FTTH customer drop:
Dane Jasper:
Are they allowing pseudonyms on G+ now? Related: I don't really want to be in this guy's circle. Put on a shirt!
Dane Jasper:
What better to go with your flat TV than a flat antenna? Checking out the surprisingly well reviewed "Mohu". Pic:
Dane Jasper:
Found in Ukraine: a Green Machine. Anyone have one of these when you were young? (w/retread rear tires)
Dane Jasper:
The local after-dinner drink:
Dane Jasper:
Obligatory local pay telephone photo (Kyiv, Ukraine):
Dane Jasper:
Dane Jasper:
Amazing night out, it's Ukraine's 20th independence day. Quite an event, I'd guess 100,000 people there.
Dane Jasper:
Traveling. It's independence day!
Dane Jasper:
We got great placement for our brick!
Dane Jasper:
Fire eating at Leo's new TWiT studio. This party is getting started!
Dane Jasper:
They are having a zucchini car race at the Healdsburg farmers market. You know you want to click.
Dane Jasper:
Hate that @valleyyp ignores the opt out via http://www.yellowpagesoptout.com/ Recycled.
Dane Jasper:
Wow. Slashdotted.
Dane Jasper:
Network team wraps up fiber splicing in Sebastopol.
Dane Jasper:
Mario (right) placing Sonic identity tags on fiber cables being placed in Sebastopol last week.
Dane Jasper:
Robbie and Tomoc wrapping up backbone and distribution fiber splicing into FTTH splitter cabinet:
Dane Jasper:
Robbie, setting up to splice main backbone fiber for FTTH in Sebastopol.
Dane Jasper:
This is a bit odd.
Dane Jasper:
First 288 premise splitter cabinet in place in Sebastopol.