Ruolan Han Photography: Her little angel gave her wings to fly
Ruolan Han Photography: Flamenco dancer
Ruolan Han Photography: The masquerade
Ruolan Han Photography: The masquerade
Ruolan Han Photography: #farewell #selfportrait leaving this beautiful lake side city that I have lived for many years, and parting with so many amazing friends.. sometimes words are just too pale to describe how I feel, so it's all here, in this picture
Ruolan Han Photography: 穿越千年只为与君相见 #MAF2014 #ThePearlCurtain#ChineseClassical#dance
Ruolan Han Photography: 镜花水月,人生如戏。。#backstage#ChineseOpera#makeup#MAF2014
Ruolan Han Photography: Let's Dance Rochester Showcase 20140524