satie*: good girl
satie*: Rainy stroll #2
satie*: green-eyed jealousy!
satie*: sun
satie*: Are you ready?
R_tungsten: lastly clear
R_tungsten: こきあ
R_tungsten: Which floor do you like?
R_tungsten: Harukaze
shunkoba: Keep hope alive
satie*: Ask, and it shall be given (unto) you.
satie*: a vein
satie*: at street
satie*: lonely
satie*: a cat in a pan
satie*: Entrance to the future
R_tungsten: solo stage
satie*: late in the morning
kericoco: *0000014
kericoco: *0000025
kericoco: *0000015
satie*: square
satie*: Two reds