M O Z A: Sushi chef
M O Z A: My Tour Guide
M O Z A: Beauty is being in harmony with what you are
M O Z A: Creative work is play
M O Z A: anyone ??
M O Z A: believe it or not .. ths is my dream car =p
M O Z A: Every luxury must be paid for, and everything is a luxury, starting with being in the world.
M O Z A: Ladies of Fashion starve their happiness to feed their vanity, and their love to feed their pride
M O Z A: It hurts to grow. Anyone who says it doesn't is lying
M O Z A: True style !!
M O Z A: The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost !!
M O Z A: Bye Bye N Y C =(
M O Z A: The girls guide to EVERYTHING !!
M O Z A: Lucy when she was a puppy =p
M O Z A: 25-12-2007
M O Z A: .. from another angle ..
M O Z A: Gime a HOT LIPS handbag and im ready to go !
M O Z A: Going 2 Geneve (summer 2007)
M O Z A: U OnLy LiVe OnCe ,, BuT iF u LiVeD iT riGhT oNcE iS eNoUgH !!
M O Z A: If your strength is small, don't carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don't give an advice.
M O Z A: ×X × Studyiηg at uptowη starbux ×X ×
M O Z A: say cheeeeeeeeeeeZZ !! 2 7moody