yucalyptus_: crepuscular love
yucalyptus_: And his other eye was the color amber
yucalyptus_: High-Rise
yucalyptus_: Let Sleeping Dogs Guide
yucalyptus_: The beauty in your gaze
yucalyptus_: Obsidian Oversight
yucalyptus_: my darling patch
yucalyptus_: Pandora
yucalyptus_: Sunkist
yucalyptus_: en plein air on Hwy 1
yucalyptus_: Birthday Bliss
yucalyptus_: From a puppy to a senior, she always loved my cobija.
yucalyptus_: From puppies to seniors, this cobija from la pulga has kept all my dogs warm throughout the years.
yucalyptus_: East Bay SPCA Spay & Neuter Surgery Center
yucalyptus_: Alameda County Clerk-recorder’s Office
yucalyptus_: Luxo Jr. and Luxo Ball
yucalyptus_: Pixar Animation Studios
yucalyptus_: Pixar Animation Studios