Elena Kalis: Falling
angus clyne: Kercock Bothy
Tracy Raver: Daddy Swing...
carrie sandoval: earth baby.
carrie sandoval: Beacon of Hope Orphanage
*miss*leah*: .hanging out.
Lisa Røstøen | Fotografix Studios: "Know you what it is to be a child?"
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie: autumn nostalgia...
Trifin: On the tree top
utarju: He's got the whole world in His hands [Please invite to your group]
Extra Medium: Father & Son
Sami Merriman: Not a newborn :)
Glenn Meling: Hege Anita Ruud
Extra Medium: Show me your Bellies!
CarlosBravo: Kissing the baby.
*Niceshoot*: together
_Paula AnDDrade: Love Amor Amour Amore
_Paula AnDDrade: Inspiration