laura.mnz: Ritorno alla base
Billy McDonald: The Old Smiddy
Alfredo11: ¨The Violinist¨
Harry2010: Big Blue
mrpwgrtz: Write me
Eros Cerello: Rainbow eyes
Independence Blue Cross: 2016_05_01_KM2493
Independence Blue Cross: 2015_05_03_KM5299
colbuscolbus: Eurasian Eagle Owl
Roger Wasley: Asio flammeus - Short-eared Owl
hansdebruyne: Heron with lunch
sgoldswo: _DSC1974-Edit.jpg
NATURAL CALABRIA: Pollino National Park
Massimo Greco *: Nibbio bruno (Milvus migrans)
garyscat: philippines
lukaswang: DSC_9736
Espiritu de las Tormentas: The colour of the atom
Stellaforever: Sunset in the bottle :-)
Tony Capece: Riverton Utah
bardaxi: Paseos por Zaragoza 18
deserttoad: Reassurance -- Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus lateris); Sandoval County, NM. Thompson Ridge [Lou Feltz]
Black Sickle: Niagara Falls
MEaves: Spider Eyes
salvatore tardino: Vaniglia e caramello