coppersdreamrescue: Female Beagle Lab mix 1
DRES13: @bethany.dmt did a nice version of my 'Faith' illustration on @madeinsarcasm 's shin. Looks great! . . . #tattoo #ink #dres13
billturner: I think it is time to retire these Converse! They have seen better days! #sketch #sketchbook #stillmanandbirn #painting #watercolor #ink #unipin
Buster Benson: Louie and I had our first father/son talk about why sleep is important for everyone in the family. I think he got it. Glad we cleared that up.
billturner: Magnolia flower painting (via photo on Flickr)
patrickneville: #makovermonday thanks to fatima February 08, 2016 at 11:45AM
Buster Benson: 8:36pm Launching #slackplatform with @benbrown, @owenthomas's dog, etc
audkawa: Sometimes you run into an app game and you end up playing for hours, and just can't help but not share. #LandSliders is really fun and completely addicting, especially trying to beat each other's high scores. My best is 338. Plus there are hidden secrets!
Ape Do Good Screen Printing: Darren's intern project
Buster Benson: 8:36pm I asked Niko to give me 5 different emotions in exchange for dessert
Ape Do Good Screen Printing: Yes it does #cancersucks
Christopher.Michel: Neverwas Haul
Gregory Euclide: On view in Denver @ Mai Wyn Fine Art in September. Several works on porcelain coated steel & several new works on paper.
jmacias: I just became the Mayor of Lensley HQ on Swarm!
blurb: New York Love Affair
dogwelder: 'til the wheels come off
tlong: I guess the way Milo hangs up his jacket bodes well for a future of not sweating the details.
Christopher.Michel: Golden Gate Bridge Sunset from the ST Francis Yacht Club
featherbed: Brick beauty I stayed at in Detroit.
leestroy: #nightink
tlong: I'm out of the house having dinner! With H!
billturner: Took a few days off from sketching, but I'm back now with some hands. #sketch #drawing #dailysketch #dailydrawing #asketchaday #pen #ink #penandink #lamy #lamysafari #uniballvisionelite #uniball #copic #copicmultiliner #sketchbook #moleskine #moleskinear
Gregory Euclide: Paint as land, Paper as land, Land as land. #artifice #landscape #land #nature
audkawa: found outtake from mini photoshoot with @Cowe for @Juxtapozmag feature in 2012. 😁 #AudreyKawasaki
milov: kunstwerk onder spoorbrug Binckhorst
blurb: The Maritime Hotel?
blurb: Systems Diagram & Analysis by Marlo on the @friendsworkhere whiteboard wall. She's been talking nonstop for 5-7 minutes, including “good news” and “bad news” sections of her ever expanding diagram.