Dahai Z: 众里寻他千百度 Are you the one?
Dahai Z: 最后的花季 Season's end
Dahai Z: Sweet surrender
Dahai Z: Tiny dreams
Dahai Z: 蓦然回首 Is this you?
Dahai Z: 那人却在,灯火阑珊处 It is you!
Dahai Z: Last night I saw light
Dahai Z: 依然温柔 Love you tender
Dahai Z: Hope you are well. 请多保重
Dahai Z: Sunset in the orient 东方的日落
Dahai Z: Autumn remains 秋已尽
Dahai Z: Autumn fantastic
Dahai Z: 拙政园
Dahai Z: Happy New Year