Dahai Z: No Hello, No Goodbye, that's the name of my Spring
Dahai Z: Revival
Dahai Z: Shadow of the moon
Dahai Z: Witnessed
Dahai Z: What if
Dahai Z: Happy Pi Day
Dahai Z: Beyond the shadows
Dahai Z: My Ocean
Dahai Z: Chicago morning scape
Dahai Z: On the fence
Dahai Z: The middle finger bokeh
Dahai Z: My upgraded home office
Dahai Z: Early Spring
Dahai Z: Late Valentine
Dahai Z: Spotted
Dahai Z: Over the top
Dahai Z: Cold long night 冬夜夜寒觉夜长
Dahai Z: I come in peace
Dahai Z: Grace
Dahai Z: I feel warm in here
Dahai Z: This day in infamy
Dahai Z: Mama, where is Papa?
Dahai Z: 春天的回忆 Memory of spring
Dahai Z: 寻觅在清秋 Finding you
Dahai Z: Longing
Dahai Z: 晓起溪影 Relection of ages
Dahai Z: Heavenly Village 李坑烟影
Dahai Z: Lady and curious carpenter
Dahai Z: Ghostly day after
Dahai Z: I am beautiful on the tree too