Dahai Z: Center of attention
Dahai Z: A promise 诺
Dahai Z: Home Equity 春回
Dahai Z: Oh Deer
Dahai Z: Angel of Spring 春的天使
Dahai Z: Leap for love 爱的一跃
Dahai Z: The Road Home 回家的路
Dahai Z: Swamp Things
Dahai Z: After the storm
Dahai Z: The After Effect 然后。。。
Dahai Z: Path to the unknown
Dahai Z: Territorial Dispute 鸟为巢而战
Dahai Z: Lovers 两情相悦
Dahai Z: A date with beauty
Dahai Z: A date with another beauty
Dahai Z: A Spring Illuminated 春光
Dahai Z: Spring Iluminated
Dahai Z: Spirit of the forest 林之晨
Dahai Z: Landscape-7D2
Dahai Z: Potawatomi--2
Dahai Z: Wish I could get close to you again