ACK1974: One foot in Europe, one foot in America
ACK1974: River Öxará
ACK1974: Viking boat - details
ACK1974: Dai of Arabia
ACK1974: Dai
ACK1974: Light
ACK1974: Hoover octopus
ACK1974: Tunnel
rjw1: Flamingos make for fabulous hats #FabulousHatDay
Jamie Arnold: Early description of beta formats
Jamie Arnold: GOV.UK started as this...
psd: Keep calm and ENGAGE THE BRACKEN!
rjw1: Lindsey looking surprised that our structure is still standing.
paul_clarke: First question. No pressure.
tomski: View from Counter Café. Blimey, this area really has transformed.
tomski: Credit to @FGW steward Ryan for going along with @itsallgonewrong's devious plan to buy me beer instead of tea. Good try, but I'm calling it
Jamie Arnold: the difference between Civil Service post-its and real post-its
paul_clarke: Snaking river
Roo Reynolds: Waterloo 'Line Level Information 1' screen
psd: Poster for Land Registry Hack Day [by invitation only]
Ben Terrett: Louise
Sasha Taylor: _DSC1407
James Abley: IMG_20140815_145632
Jamie Arnold: Swansea is not so bad really
psd: Sharpies are for wimps!
Jamie Arnold: No parking, off-loading or dogging
psd: System of record
teamprimeltd: PrimeConf_13June_099_s