blequ: IMG_6678
Gabby Cantero: While I Wait
Huen *: Rolleiflex 2.8GX.Daffie
+CHERRY+: 晨間運動
moaan: What would you like Santa Pochiko to bring you?
moaan: OMG! I missed the sledge of 2008 because of my mission! What was the present from your Santa Claus?
【K】: Cosmos
+CHERRY+: Self Portrait
geomm: 老照片-永不過期的回憶
geomm: Tainan Flickr Meetup
M.Bob: The bridge to the past
misssunnyday: ~love is all around~
vi4kin: Merry Christmas!
vi4kin: Friday's evening
yokasyo: 季節の思い
赵倦小尘: 阳台被阳光照到的部分
hannah-joy: 8mik9,o
Borrowing Light: Dog taking out his master for a stroll
chihilo: in the parc in the morning
mcho0502: g63s
vi4kin: f/1.2
Petit Ming: big flare