DadReaction: Bell and Cross, Grace Lutheran
DadReaction: Grace Lutheran
DadReaction: Grace Lutheran (ELCA), Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Tree, Steps
DadReaction: Richmond Arms
DadReaction: Richmond Arms
DadReaction: Richmond Arms, Entrance
DadReaction: Hydrant, with Hydrant Sign
DadReaction: Community Church of Richmond
DadReaction: Church Tower
DadReaction: Community Church of Richmond: Entrance, with Tree
DadReaction: Great Church, Greater God
DadReaction: Community Church of Richmond, Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Hydrant, with Steps, in the Shade
DadReaction: Howl at the Moon
DadReaction: Howl at the Moon, with Warning Sign and Mailboxes
DadReaction: Fence with Flowers and Background Gazebo
DadReaction: House with Stone Porch and Companion Building
DadReaction: House with Stone Porch
DadReaction: Stone Porch
DadReaction: House with Turret for Sale
DadReaction: House with Turret
DadReaction: Yellow House in the Sun
DadReaction: Green House in the Shade
DadReaction: Cemetery, Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Cemetery, Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Cemetery, Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Cemetery, Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Cemetery, Richmond, IL
DadReaction: Walking North from the Leather Shoppe