DadReaction: Cloud, Dark Sky, Tree
DadReaction: Evening Sky, with Trees
DadReaction: Late Afternoon Contemplation: Varda
DadReaction: Late Afternoon Contemplation: Ebert
DadReaction: Late Afternoon Contemplation: Hammad
DadReaction: Late Afternoon Contemplation: Royko
DadReaction: Late Afternoon Contemplation: Hammad
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 1
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 2
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 3
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 4
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 5
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 6
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 7
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 8
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 9
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 10
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 11
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 12
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 13
DadReaction: Ancient Prayers 14
DadReaction: Before the Service: Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran (ELCA), McHenry, IL
DadReaction: Shepherd of the Hills: Chancel, with Presider
DadReaction: Shepherd of the Hills: Praise Band
DadReaction: Handbells
DadReaction: Shepherd of the Hills: Chancel, with Font
DadReaction: Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, McHenry, IL
DadReaction: Late Afternoon Contemplation: Lennon; the Power of Art