DadReaction: 'Porgy and Bess' Screen
DadReaction: Near the Orchestra Pit
DadReaction: Opera Curtain
DadReaction: The View from Our Usual Seats
DadReaction: Looking up at Our Usual Seats (Top Right)
DadReaction: Seat Upgrade at the Lyric Opera for 'Porgy and Bess'
DadReaction: Opera Lights and Grilles
DadReaction: Blood and Darkness at the Opera
DadReaction: At the Opera: Water Fountain
DadReaction: Crowd, Columns, Lights
DadReaction: Approaching Tosca
DadReaction: Lyric opera
DadReaction: Blood at the Opera
DadReaction: At the Opera: Humble Self with Homicidal Soprano
DadReaction: Looking up at the Opera
DadReaction: From the Balcony
DadReaction: From the Balcony
DadReaction: Opera Chandelier
DadReaction: Opera Chandelier (Detail)
DadReaction: 'Merry Widow' Dancer Mingling Pre-Performance
DadReaction: 'Merry Widow' Dancers Gracing Bannisters and Delighting Humble Self at the Chicago Lyric Opera
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit
DadReaction: Lyric Opera Costume Design Exhibit