JamesSparshottWildlife: Granite Leaf-tailed Gecko (Saltuarius wyberba)
JamesSparshottWildlife: Burns' Dragon (Amphibolurus burnsi)
JamesSparshottWildlife: Little Grassbird (Megalurus gramineus)
Graham R3: Western Spinebill tongue bb
gecko47: Purple-crowned Fairy-wren: Male
womboyne7: Regent Honeyeater HWW!
gregdaw2015: 351. DSC_0638-den G 3 w
Peta Jade: Regent Bowerbird
Mary Bomford: Royal Penguin (Eudyptes schlegeli) with chick DSC_0958
gregdaw2015: 352. DSC_0348-4-den st 8w
Kimberley Dimer Photography: Baby Eurasian Coot
kth_friend: 0O1A5355
kth_friend: 0O1A5330
laz666: Maratus hybrids
Akash Samuel Melbourne: Yellow-tufted honeyeater (Lichenostomus melanops)
Kazredracer: Black-faced Woodswallow
rowanseton: Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans).
laz666: Male hybrid
Akash Samuel Melbourne: Red-rumped parrot (Psephotus haematonotus)
petermurphy14: White-headed Pigeon (Columba leucomela)
kth_friend: 0O1A5044
Xenedis: Lone Grazer
Xenedis: Makhomsava on a Mission
JamesSparshottWildlife: Granite Leaf-tailed Gecko (Saltuarius wyberba)
JamesSparshottWildlife: Scarlet-sided Pobblebonk (Limnodynastes terraereginae)
JamesSparshottWildlife: Common Death Adder (Acanthophis antarcticus)
Xenedis: Female Superb Fairywren
Nat Murray: Bar-tailed Godwit
Nat Murray: Bee with the bird lens.