dabdiputs: Axe-throwing
dabdiputs: Axe-Throwing
dabdiputs: Axe-Throwing
dabdiputs: Ugh I hate it when bars get so crowded
dabdiputs: Pedro and Vinny's steamer is working overtime today.
dabdiputs: Braaaaaaains
dabdiputs: The potatoes are growing tiny little Voronoi diagrams. Smart potatoes.
dabdiputs: Really pushing an idea too far
dabdiputs: Wind sculpture garden, Santa Fe, NM
dabdiputs: Whoever decided this wouldn't be called a caulifractal was a moron.
dabdiputs: Why did user interface engineering ever have to progress past this era?
dabdiputs: Moxie!
dabdiputs: .@profworldband playing his peace wave generator in the public gardens
dabdiputs: On to the digestif course
dabdiputs: .@robodc yeah
dabdiputs: Today in wrong number texts
dabdiputs: Nats win!
dabdiputs: Grandpa's 90th birthday. If I'm half as smart, kind, and active as him when I'm half his age, I'll be lucky.
dabdiputs: Google changed the background image because I'm in New York. Nice touch, even if I can't read their logo.
dabdiputs: #notmycat
dabdiputs: #notdebate
dabdiputs: Monkey driving a banana. Bunny driving a carrot.
dabdiputs: Knit-bombing on 17th st
dabdiputs: In case you were wondering about how that flan thing went...
dabdiputs: Killing an hour at a strip mall in PG County: more fun than you'd think.
dabdiputs: Thanks everyone for an awesome birthday celebration! Motorbike symmetry at Standard.
dabdiputs: I think the rainbow ends at @crowls and @kendamachamp 's place
dabdiputs: @elgreg bug report
dabdiputs: False advertising
dabdiputs: Development