Chris.Zilo: Um no.
Chris.Zilo: Can’t wait for the leaves to come back.
Chris.Zilo: open-uri20190214-6954-1v2zlru
Chris.Zilo: 👎 ‍♂️‍♂️
Chris.Zilo: Want to join us? #FindTheOthers #RiseUp Legit can’t stay composed, sOoooooo looking forward to the experience of reading this book.
Chris.Zilo: 🔥🔥
Chris.Zilo: 🔥🙏🔥
Chris.Zilo: I agree.
Chris.Zilo: Hard at work hardly working.
Chris.Zilo: My kid shops well. Love my Xmas gift. BTW I’m not just “cool”, I’m “super cool” (never considered myself the “cool” one of the two parents)
Chris.Zilo: I love Xmas but I hate glitter.
Chris.Zilo: It may be late, it may have a massive hole on one side, and I doubt it’ll last until NYE, but it was half price and most importantly my kid loves it. #pinchingpennies
Chris.Zilo: Broke my calculator....
Chris.Zilo: MCO ✈️ JFK
Chris.Zilo: The man and the mouse.
Chris.Zilo: 🎄🎄🎄
Chris.Zilo: 👩‍🚀👩‍🚀👩‍🚀
Chris.Zilo: ⛩⛩⛩
Chris.Zilo: 🐲🐲🐲
Chris.Zilo: open-uri20181206-9939-5onq8z
Chris.Zilo: 🔥🔥🔥
Chris.Zilo: Legit 💯
Chris.Zilo: 🎆🎇🎆🎇
Chris.Zilo: It’s snowing in Florida.
Chris.Zilo: Patterns.
Chris.Zilo: It’s good to be king.
Chris.Zilo: So full and so #thankful.