Cindy Cupcake Photography: Farmhouse Remnants
Cindy Cupcake Photography: I'll take you through the doors but we will end up walking in circles…no entrance and no exit but it's what you see along the way that matters I suppose... #chicago #chicagourbex #chicagoexploration #bronzeville #rosenwald #blackandwhitephotography ##urbe
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Just as it appeared. This would be the older section of abandoned hospital in central Indiana. The distortion in most of my photographs are very important to me. You see, this is how I often perceive images as I have never known anything different than of
Cindy Cupcake Photography: It was breathtaking as I recall. I just couldn't look hard enough at what lay before me. It was warm...the room had such a warm comforting feeling and I wanted to stay much longer than I possibly could.
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Hibiscus Flower behind my house
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Gum Factory ~ Extremely Narrow Depth of Field
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Escalator on the ground Floor of an abandoned department store.
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Are you sure you want to follow me?
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Staff eyes only
Cindy Cupcake Photography: What we found behind the frozen door...
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Fading Entrance
Cindy Cupcake Photography: Faces on the wall