cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: HipstaPrint
cycophuk23: Exeggcute
cycophuk23: Pidgey
cycophuk23: Beedrill
cycophuk23: Zubat
cycophuk23: Rattata
cycophuk23: Slowpoke
cycophuk23: Venomoth
cycophuk23: Nidoran
cycophuk23: Raticate
cycophuk23: Golbat
cycophuk23: Poliwag
cycophuk23: Sentret
cycophuk23: Ekans
cycophuk23: Murkrow
cycophuk23: Koffing
cycophuk23: Self portrait of my close friend Jennifer.
cycophuk23: Angel with ravens wings
cycophuk23: Catching a ride
cycophuk23: And as I reach out to hear you, the sound is so muffled It makes a lesser man of me So the only thing left to bring up to date is You suck! Flaw - Payback
cycophuk23: Woke up in a spaceship of shimmering gold Tutenkhamen sleeping Should'a left him alone Floating round in Orion Arrow pointing to heaven Between all the planets Out in the cold Marillion - Somewhere Else