ph0t0tr0pic: Ordnance Casing barbque.
ph0t0tr0pic: peace jar
ph0t0tr0pic: bombies
ph0t0tr0pic: doors of perception
ph0t0tr0pic: Bindhabat
ph0t0tr0pic: laughing buddha
ph0t0tr0pic: net fishing a monsoon flooded paddy
ph0t0tr0pic: luna moth monastery outside Vientiene Laos
ph0t0tr0pic: monks robes drying in the sun Wat Pah Nana Chat
ph0t0tr0pic: Remains of a temple Buddha after bombing Luang Prabang Laos
ph0t0tr0pic: Land slide delay. Locals came across the mountain to vend rice bals and corn. The Australians in our company dispatched a motorbike to fetch beer Lao and we all sat behind the bus noshing and drinking until the part s arrived for the bus and the road was
ph0t0tr0pic: sleeping in the lap of peace
ph0t0tr0pic: killroy 300A.D.
ph0t0tr0pic: perfect fit
ph0t0tr0pic: drangonfly
ph0t0tr0pic: drangonfly
ph0t0tr0pic: river side car wash
ph0t0tr0pic: dragonfly
ph0t0tr0pic: wild cosmos
ph0t0tr0pic: rock owl
ph0t0tr0pic: atmosperic perspective
ph0t0tr0pic: waterfall
ph0t0tr0pic: P1120217
ph0t0tr0pic: mirrortunnel
ph0t0tr0pic: conjurer
ph0t0tr0pic: joyjump
ph0t0tr0pic: chichenitza
ph0t0tr0pic: slow crossing
ph0t0tr0pic: sand octopus