Some rather artsy finds in this old lot. Very good to see ANY art movement in the hardware city... After all we do have a great new/old Sol Lewitt mural downtown....
Some rather artsy finds in this old lot. Very good to see ANY art movement in the hardware city... After all we do have a great new/old Sol Lewitt mural downtown....
Some rather artsy finds in this old lot. Very good to see ANY art movement in the hardware city... After all we do have a great new/old Sol Lewitt mural downtown....
Some rather artsy finds in this old lot. Very good to see ANY art movement in the hardware city... After all we do have a great new/old Sol Lewitt mural downtown....
Some rather artsy finds in this old lot. Very good to see ANY art movement in the hardware city... After all we do have a great new/old Sol Lewitt mural downtown....
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some rather artsy finds in this old lot. Very good to see ANY art movement in the hardware city... After all we do have a great new/old Sol Lewitt mural downtown....
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?
Some mostly forgotten spot of hardware city... I imagine when this was in its peak. Was the security always there? Were all those doors part of the original plan?