rangvar: Comparison photos
rooksever: Dollshe Arsene comparision
rooksever: Amadiz Studio Magdalena (milky skin) comparision and hybrids (01)
MaskcatDoll: SHOWCASE (10)
MaskcatDoll: Ronia (11)
gentlepolinka: tumblr_nnuerpqDCV1uuinbro1_1280
gentlepolinka: tumblr_nnv2zkOBiH1tptmwio1_1280
aestry: iv
The Katyok: Caireann The Wild Witch
afa187: IMG_7525
Muffin_elfa: Creating the protector 014
afa187: IMG_5449
g.norðoy: Pollurin
喵公爵: the third eye( Brandon Stark...)
gentlepolinka: tumblr_mgern04E6U1qdgoc1o1_500
gentlepolinka: h_1366900052_2077728_d41d8cd98f
MerryDoll Art: bianca7
Ella Fleur: IMG_0464
Dedra Starling: here and now
greenwolfy: IMG_4106
Muffin_elfa: scars_and_roses 002
Ksiny: Chloe
Bluoxyde: Perls
Pinktezka: Spencer got a haircut
SDink: 03_17_2012_Bermann_Comm_01
SDink: 2012_03_22_Lumedoll_Saiph_01
SDink: Klaus
SDink: 2012_12_05_idealian_Dover_01
DramaDoll1: Ice White