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albums of Curefitz
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| Mushroom & Small Stuff | Macro |
| Nikon Z 105mm Test | 02-03-2024 |
| Grey Wagtail Feeding its Chicks | Nordjylland, Lunken | 24-06-2023 |
| Short-eared Owl | Lille Vildmose | 21-05-2023 |
| Northern Lights, Denmark | 24-03-2023 |
| Eurasian Otter | Denmark | 17-12-2022 |
| European Robin | Saltum, Denmark | 16-12-2022 |
| Lille Vildmose |
| Store Vildmose |
| Benny the Red Squirrel | Denmark |
| European Common Blue | Nordjylland, Denmark | 28-07-2022 |
| Yellowhammer | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 18-06-2022 |
| Barn Swallows | Ranum, Denmark | 07-05-2022 |
| Blue Male Moor Frogs | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 15-04-2022 |
| European Viper (Vipera berus) | Store Vildmose, Denmark | 22-03-2022 |
| Great Bittern | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 27-02-2022 |
| Store Vildmose | Buzzards | 22-01-2022 |
| Lille Vildmose | Moose, Bittern, White-tailed Eagles, Kestrel | 25-12-2021 |
| Kestrel with Mouse | Lille Vildmose | 18-12-2021 |
| Kingfisher, Osprey | Årslev Engsø, Denmark | 22-07-2021 |
| Sparrow | Lille Vildmose | 17-07-2021 |
| Moose, White-tailed Eagle, Starling | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 03-07-2021 |
Store Vildmose, 29-06-2021
| Red Kite, Kestrel and More | Store Vildmose, Denmark | 27-06-2021 |
| Long-eared Owl | Store Vildmose | 27-05-2021 |
| Lille Vildmose | Marsh Harrier, Penduline Tit, Willow Warbler, Wagtail | 10-05-2021 |
| Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) | Lille Vildmose | 10-04-2021 |
| Sparrowhawk | 17-03-2021 |
| Sparrowhawk and Magpie | 15-03-21 |
| Golden Eagle | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 23-01-2021 |
| Pebermosen | Forest | 02-01-2021 |
| Bull Moose | Lille Vildmose | 12-10-2020 |
| Store Vildmose | Kestrel | 28-05-2020 |
| Fox Cubs and Fox Mom | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 19-05-2020 |
| Fox Cubs | Lille Vildmose, Denmark | 28-09-2020 |
| Lacerta Vivipara(Common Lizard) | Store Vildmose | Denmark | 17-04-2020 |
Wren in the Spring, Denmark, 08-04-2020
Moon Shots
| Reed Warbler and Robin | Djævlebakkerne, Denmark | 21-08-2019 |
| Sparrow Hawk, Blue Tits and Butterfly | Denmark | 13-08-2019 |
| Grey Heron | Denmark | 05-08-2019 |
| Bulbjerg, Denmark | Seagulls and Babies | 10-07-2019 |
| Buzzard | 09-07-2019 |
| Rold Skov, Silkeborg Lakes | Dragonfly and Jay | 05-07-2019 |
| Store Vildmose, Denmark | Kestrel, Northern Lawping, Buzzard and More | 03-07-2019 |
| Store Vildmose, Denmark | Kestrel, Yellow Wagtail | 26-06-2019 |
Nikon D500 Test Shots (Low Light, High ISO)
| Tit(Bird) Feeding Its Babies | 13-06-2019 |
| Female Wolf Spider | Sømosen, Denmark | 31-05-2019 |
| Lille Vildmose | Golden Eagle and More | 21-04-2019 |
| Goshawk, Buzzard, Thrush and More | Nymølle Bæk | 15-04-2019 |
| Grindsted Plantage | Wren, Squirrel and Horse | 04-04-2019 |
| Lille Vildmose | Cranes and Bird of Prey | 19-03-2019 |
| Store Vildmose| Buzzard, Crane, Deer and Hare | 11-03-2019 |
| Sindal | 26-02-2019 |
Woodpecker, Tit(Bird) and Buzzard
Deer in the Forest, 05-02-2019
|Store Vildmose| Denmark | Birds, Deer and Landscape 29-01-2019
Frost, 18-01-2019
Lille Vildmose, 02-01-2019
Kaas Briketfabrik, 03-11-2018
Milkyway 13-10-2018
Djævlebakkerne, Denmark, 13-09-2018
Milkyway 18-08-2018
Noctilucent Clouds
Bloodmoon 27-07-2018
Eurasian Jay 01-07-2018
Swallows at the Bunker Museum in Bulbjerg, Denmark
Nymølle 22-04-2018
Lille Vildmose 17-04-2018
Kaas Briket Fabrik, Denmark
New Year 2017-18 Long Exposures
Rubjerg Fyr, Danmark
Randers Regnskov (Rainforest)