Jaki Good Miller: jenna 2015
Rich Levine: Would you choose me?
Gary Neave.: Chilling Out...HFF
WJMcIntosh: Autumn Morning At Burney Falls
Rich Levine: Rapunzel, the early years
Maarten Takens: Castel san Angelo in Rome
shalabh_sharma7: Corrmorant Fisherman, China
Wayne Pinkston: Set the Table for One...
cpphotofinish: Svolvær, Lofoten
WDWFigment: Grim Grinning Ghost Comes Out to Socialize...on the Haunted Mansion Lawn
nickinthegarden: Steller's Jay
merlinjphoto: Imperial Beach, CA
cpphotofinish: Svolvær, Lofoten
John Ormerod: Hope Valley
Jaco Costerus.: just before the sun appears
Jaco Costerus.: searching the sandman
WJMcIntosh: Something Wicked This Way Comes
johnhallmen: Saperda scalaris II
Jaco Costerus.: Eurasian Siskin ♂
kurosatow: 湖面に映る枯れ木 - The Dead Tree in Dam Lake
Jaco Costerus.: Ten peaks, a valley and a boy.
Jaki Good Miller: deflated reflection
Jaki Good Miller: joann 2013
Jaki Good Miller: a village gathering
Jaki Good Miller: angelique
Jaki Good Miller: leopard profile
Jaki Good Miller: black bear 2