Roundel/flickr: Brand marque exploration
In Memoriam: mil3n: Sensaway Light
In Memoriam: mil3n: Sensaway Heavy Italic Vow Typeface / HypeForType Fonts
Vector Hugo: KILM V
In Memoriam: mil3n: já poster London t-shirt - red Rear window – James Joyce
Posters in Amsterdam by Jarr Geerligs: poster in Amsterdam: LIKEMINDS
In Memoriam: mil3n: fadeaway type family
eskimoblood: Simple61283 3500x3500
eskimoblood: Simple21869 3500x3500
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
justin thomas kay: lubalin archives at cooper union
Pratt Institute Library: [Bookplate of Delta Kappa Epsilon]
SPACESHIP ∆x2: Input / Output
cristiana.couceiro: But the clock went on striking, three, four, five and he seemed part of that garden
cristiana.couceiro: The New York Times
cristiana.couceiro: “Two minutes,” he says, raising his finger.
In Memoriam: mil3n: different styles
Guilherme Marconi: Rorschach 01