ctberney: Gray-cheeked Thrush - Hylocichla minima
ctberney: Hermit Thrush - Catharus guttatus
ctberney: Hermit Thrush - Catharus guttatus
ctberney: Hermit Thrush, I think
ctberney: Eastern Bluebird, male (Sialia sialis)
ctberney: Eastern Bluebird, female (Sialia sialis)
ctberney: We met in the forest
ctberney: Patience rewarded - Hermit Thrush
ctberney: Just sitting and waiting
ctberney: As I sit under a tree.....
ctberney: Back yard visitor
ctberney: Afternoon encounter
ctberney: On this dark and rainy afternoon, I pointed my camera at something moving in the apple tree
ctberney: The sun was bright and shining this day
ctberney: This thrush and I have something in common
ctberney: This was also a "Lifer"
ctberney: My backyard was busy with birds this afternoon
ctberney: I waited in my lawn chair for a long time until this Hermit Thrush wandered over close enough for a decent shot.
ctberney: Looks like Hermit Thrush wasn't expecting company