ctberney: lord & master
ctberney: billing and cooing
ctberney: I'll try some of this
ctberney: duck in the morning
ctberney: duck in the Avon River
ctberney: two ducks in the Avon River
ctberney: duck in the afternoon light
ctberney: two ducks in the afternoon light
ctberney: duck and dogwood in the afternoon
ctberney: female Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
ctberney: ducks in the cold river
ctberney: duck descending
ctberney: duck descending
ctberney: duck descending
ctberney: duck descending
ctberney: ducks descending
ctberney: Wood Duck - Aix sponsa
ctberney: Wood Duck - Aix sponsa (2)
ctberney: One of these ducks is not like the other ones.......
ctberney: Where the Ducks Are....
ctberney: Half a dozen ducks
ctberney: I can't get that sweet gull out of my mind.....
ctberney: A different kind of duck
ctberney: Two different ducks
ctberney: Two ducks for the price of one
ctberney: Hooray, Spring is here!
ctberney: Happy first day of Spring!
ctberney: Bye-bye, Goldeneye
ctberney: Up in the air, junior birdman
ctberney: Hooded Merganser (male) in flight