ctberney: Muskrat climbing out of the river to eat spring greens 5
ctberney: Muskrat climbing out of the river to eat spring greens 4
ctberney: Muskrat climbing out of the river to eat spring greens 3
ctberney: Muskrat climbing out of the river to eat spring greens 2
ctberney: Muskrat climbing out of the river to eat spring greens 1
ctberney: Muskrat in the river climbing over the logjam
ctberney: Muskrat in the river comes to a logjam
ctberney: Muskrat swimming in the river
ctberney: Muskrat coming back down to the river
ctberney: Muskrat climbing out of the river
ctberney: Muskrat heads home with veggie take-out
ctberney: Muskrat has a good grip on the veggie take-out
ctberney: Muskrat fetches some veggie take-out from the riverbank
ctberney: Muskrat at the water's edge, checking me out
ctberney: Muskrat goes back into the water with the veggie take-out
ctberney: Muskrat is taking the veggies back home.
ctberney: Muskrat found some nice veggies for supper.
ctberney: Here comes Muskrat.
ctberney: Muskrat is going into the grass to forage for food
ctberney: Muskrat is climbing out of the river.
ctberney: Muskrat swimming away
ctberney: Muskrat hiding in the reeds
ctberney: Muskrat collecting building materials
ctberney: Muskrat swimming across the water
ctberney: Muskrat swimming through the reeds
ctberney: Wetlands
ctberney: A surprise at the pond
ctberney: Surprised by a muskrat at the pond
ctberney: Muskrat at the pond
ctberney: Now you don't.....