ctberney: sign of spring - first robin
ctberney: sign of spring - Canada Geese are back in town
ctberney: sign of spring - grass showing through the melting snow
ctberney: sign of spring - snow melt along the Avon River
ctberney: sign of spring - ducks on the golf course
ctberney: Doesn't look like spring - walking in the park
ctberney: Doesn't look like spring - feeding the ducks
ctberney: Doesn't look like spring - in the playground
ctberney: Doesn't look like spring - view out the window
ctberney: Doesn't look like spring - in the backyard
ctberney: spring stream
ctberney: muskrat swimming in the icy river
ctberney: first muskrat sighting
ctberney: ice in the stream
ctberney: Robin on the grassy edge of the field
ctberney: red osier dogwood
ctberney: red osier dogwood
ctberney: teasel shadow on snow
ctberney: beautiful day
ctberney: tree and sky
ctberney: Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
ctberney: Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara
ctberney: springing out of the snow
ctberney: Snowdrop - Galanthus
ctberney: spring run-off in the Avon River
ctberney: rocks in the stream
ctberney: by the Avon River
ctberney: spring on the forest floor
ctberney: forest floor in spring
ctberney: early spring