ctberney: geese on a melting pond
ctberney: daffodil
ctberney: killer crossing
ctberney: one cygnet
ctberney: two cygnets
ctberney: five cygnets
ctberney: six cygnets
ctberney: this is the way we groom ourselves
ctberney: family swim
ctberney: Tractor Day
ctberney: enjoying the day
ctberney: Maxine Hart
ctberney: Peter dancing on Canada Day
ctberney: Canada Day in Stratford, Ontario
ctberney: nice day for a bike ride
ctberney: going solo
ctberney: red osier dogwood in spring
ctberney: reflections in the river
ctberney: Sign along Highway 8
ctberney: Eric Eberhardt 1998
ctberney: swans crossing the road
ctberney: cygnets in the green slimy water
ctberney: happiness is green slimy water
ctberney: Napoleon takes a break
ctberney: duck shaking out her wings
ctberney: cat on a warm rock
ctberney: robin with a mouthful
ctberney: tiger lilies
ctberney: chipmunk in a tree
ctberney: Baltimore Oriole - Icterus galbula