crziebird: "Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart"
crziebird: Baby It's Cold Outside
crziebird: Backyard Female Cardinal
crziebird: Backyard Bluejay
crziebird: Backyard Birding in the Snow
crziebird: “Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” (explore)
crziebird: Soaking it all in ...
crziebird: Caught him with his mouth full
crziebird: Backyard Hummer
crziebird: "Turn of the Century" (explore)
crziebird: Agrarian way of life.... (explore)
crziebird: Zebra Swallowtail
crziebird: Backyard Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
crziebird: Monarch Butterfly (explore)
crziebird: Backyard sunflower
crziebird: Indigo Bunting
crziebird: Confrontational Vulnerability
crziebird: American Gothic
crziebird: You'll find me where the wildflowers grow...
crziebird: Let Them (explore)
crziebird: Zebra Swallowtail
crziebird: Legend has it that dragonflies were given an extra set of wings so that angels could ride on their backs.
crziebird: Butterfly Time Of Year (explore)
crziebird: Coming in...
crziebird: Backyard Birding...
crziebird: Sip happens... (explore)
crziebird: The Gathering
crziebird: GBH ... forging
crziebird: Look ma, I can stand on 1 leg
crziebird: Coming in hot