World Agroforestry:
Farmers tending a pepper garden in Southeast Sulawesi
World Agroforestry:
Picking tea in the Upper Mekong.
World Agroforestry:
Putting briquettes out to dry in Kibera, one of the poor settlements in Nairobi.
Crossing deep river to go to school
No catch on dry river bed
UNDP Climate:
UNDP Climate Change Adaptation projects in Timor Leste
UNDP Climate:
UNDP Climate Change Adaptation projects in Timor Leste
UNDP Climate:
Chisinau, Aug 2016, Firewood cutting-204
Bioversity International:
Cooperative members hold forage tree saplings
Tomato Farming
International Livestock Research Institute:
Beneficiary of Takaful insurance payout in Wajir, northern Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute:
Buying animals in the livestock market in Wajir, northern Kenya
World Agroforestry:
Pigeon peas. Photo by Danyell Odhiambo/ICRAF
Women farmer Buddisara Paudel weeds her maize with daughter-in-law Devi Paudel and neighbor Man Kumari Raskoti in Bayalkanija, Surkhet.
International Livestock Research Institute:
Empowering women through poultry
CIP International Potato Center - Sub Saharan Afri:
Dr Robert Mwanga, Sweetpotato Breeder & World Food Prize Laureate 2016 Credit: Hugh Rutherford for CIP
Learning to use drip irrigation
CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture:
Uyole beans in Tanzania
Bioversity International:
Visting farmer wheat trials, India
ICARDA - Science for Resilient Livelihoods in Dry :
With scarce and erratic rainfall, and frequent droughts in the region, a pastoralist community of Rajasthan, Raikas follow the practice of moving their flocks and herds in search of water and forage.
Bioversity International:
Participants at farmers' field day in Bihar, India
CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture:
Lushoto, Tanzania
IWMI Flickr Photos:
A scientist measuring the water collected from a pond created under the Underground Taming of Floods for irrigation (UTFI)
CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture:
2DU Kenya 47