crosti: gone, still
crosti: 4 minute warning
crosti: the letter
crosti: again
crosti: all that could have been
crosti: who's gonna save my soul?
crosti: kelly watch the stars
crosti: we were written in the stars
crosti: black widow
crosti: the sky is a landfill
crosti: bulletproof
crosti: maria's tattoo
crosti: amsterdam
crosti: bring me home
crosti: proud to be greek
crosti: throw this lifeless lifeline to the wind
crosti: across your carpet of stars
crosti: I will you no grief no to see you fall.
crosti: backdrifts
crosti: caged
crosti: daphne's metamorphosis
crosti: my wish fountain
crosti: αναρωτιέμαι πάλι οι προσευχές μου πού πάνε, κι αν έχουν γίνει πουλιά προς τα πού πετάνε
crosti: high hopes
crosti: let the rain fall, I don't care
crosti: to you
crosti: "even though i buried my heart, my love has blossomed"
crosti: all i know
crosti: illustration for trendy freddy mag
crosti: ease my worries