Cristiano Betta: Grandparents
Cristiano Betta: First ever attempt at making shortbread.
Cristiano Betta: Finally put up the tree. Casey is ready to chew the branches....
Cristiano Betta: Hands up if you've gotten really good at whacking this thing on the side of a bucket over the years.
Cristiano Betta: Avengers! Assemble!
Cristiano Betta: Working on a new design for my playing cards Kickstarter. Just kidding. These are the doodles I end up doing while trying to focus on video calls. Somehow these really help me think straight. Should probably take better notes instead.
Cristiano Betta: Pumpkin ravioli with grilled zucchini and feta. This. Was. AMAZING. Also it's all gone now 😆
Cristiano Betta: Ordered some pasta and sauce from @linastores. So good!
Cristiano Betta: When your parents know you've been watching spaghetti westerns and send you a gift...
Cristiano Betta: There goes productivity this week.
Cristiano Betta: Time for AC Valhalla!
Cristiano Betta: Making some good progress this month on our way to 100 movies in 2020.
Cristiano Betta: Downloading Valhalla at 250mbps....! Here goes my spare time till March!
Cristiano Betta: It's been a good week for a few reasons. Congrats on not fucking that one up again.
Cristiano Betta: Same cat. 8 years later.
Cristiano Betta: Found an old SD card in a camera that I somehow handy imported. It had some nice photos from 2012 on it including this amazing photo of Dusty.
Cristiano Betta: Polite reminder to wear your bloody mask
Cristiano Betta: Who wants these? Slowly packing up the house before our move. Using it as an excuse to Marie Kondo the hell out of everything before it gets packed.
Cristiano Betta: LEGO is life. And will always be life.
Cristiano Betta: Sisterly love is diabetes in a box. Excellent delivery arrived today. This will at least me a week.
Cristiano Betta: Look at those fluffy murder mittens!
Cristiano Betta: More tomatoes from the balcony! Also, the final few tomatoes are finally turning red. Yay!
Cristiano Betta: King of the balcony.
Cristiano Betta: Took the cable cart over the Thames last week and damn those views. Anyone got a few million lying around so I could buy one of these flats?
Cristiano Betta: First home grown tomato! It's was tiny but very delicious.
Cristiano Betta: I refuse to be easily impressed by swa.... OMG is that a mug that Netlify sent me?!
Cristiano Betta: First time since lockdown since we went somewhere "nice". Cycled to Greenwich for a picnic.