Cristian Gallego Photographer: Gray-handed night monkey (Aotus griseimembra)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Tropical Dry Forest Bs-T
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Colombian Four-eyed Frog (Pleurodema brachyops)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Troschel's Pampas Snake (Phimophis guianensis)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Loxopholis rugiceps
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Fleischmann's Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Giant Parrot Snake (Leptophis ahaetulla)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: The common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Desierto de la Tatacoa (Huila)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Common Blunt-headed Tree Snake (Imantodes cenchoa)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Rivero's Toad (Rhinella humboldti)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Eleuchia Longwing (Heliconius eleuchia eleuchia)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Small-eyed Toad Head (Bothrocophias microphthalmus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Yellow Tree Frog (Dendropsophus microcephalus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Tiger-legged Monkey Frog (Pithecopus hypochondrialis)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Buthidae (Tytius sp)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Colombian Red Howler (Alouatta seniculus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Hoffman's two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: The common boa (Boa constrictor)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Pigmy Coral Snake (Micrurus dissoleucus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Grass Anole (Anolis auratus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Colombian Plump Frog (Elachistocleis pearsei)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Lozano's salamander (Bolitoglossa lozanoi)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Panama Humming Frog ( Elachistocleis panamensis)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: San Martin Robber Frog (Craugastor metriosistus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Brown Vine Snake (Oxybelis aeneus)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: Rushcenberger Tree Boa (Corallus ruschenbergerii)
Cristian Gallego Photographer: The sepia short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis adusta)