Geninne: May desktop Calendar
Bulldog Pottery - Bruce Gholson and Samantha Henne: Samantha Henneke - Patterned Plate
Bulldog Pottery - Bruce Gholson and Samantha Henne: Dot Medley Handmade Mug Samantha Henneke
Bulldog Pottery - Bruce Gholson and Samantha Henne: Dot Medley Handmade Mug Samantha Henneke
Geninne: July Desktop Calendar 2017
Viou: l'été dernier
Malu Serra: Barca de @carlagross como uma colcha de retalhos #ceramista #ceramicando #atelie #ateliegaleria #ateliemaluserra #auladecerâmica #aulaspraticas #ceramicacontemporanea
Malu Serra: @renataik pintado em baixo esmalte queimado em alta temperatura #ateliemaluserra #aulaemgrupo #aula #moema #moemago #moematips #decor #decoracao #decorando
art angel 1: Cyanotype print, feathers
Geninne: Can't wait to play with clay again next month. Taking a break is always good and I have lots of new ideas simmering in my brain 💡 No veo las horas de volver a jugar con barro otra vez este mes que viene. Siempre es bueno tomarse un descanzo. Tengo va
charityhofert: A perfect day for #coffee, #stamps and X-Files.
Poppygirl: 20160401_111923
thelittlereddoor: 🎉 LAST DAY TO ENTER! 8 WINNERS! 🎉 8th Etsyversary Giveaway! To enter to win $20 shop credit just repost this photo or any #thelittlereddoor photo from my feed and tag it #tlrd2016. Entrants must be following me on a public account. Contest open
charityhofert: Gotta make make make. Feels so good. Fills me up. Yeah!
charityhofert: Some #texture from some of my newer #stamps. LOVE!
Kultur*: Farm House.
anczelowitz: New ceramics coming soon
khiskey: Gelli Plate prints
charityhofert: Beads/ connecting pieces for #totems
charityhofert: Layer upon layer upon layer. Loading a bisque kiln- one of many kiln loads that will be blazing in the next three weeks.
Janete Maurer: SIMPLES ASSIM ...
charityhofert: These four scoops are off to their new home in Alaska. Apparently they are destined for canisters of coffee and protein powder. Good gig, for a scoop, I suppose. #pottery #spoons #scoops #etsy #etsyshop #coffeescoop #handmade #ceramics #ceramique #keram
charityhofert: Bottoms up! #wip #etsy #etsymudteam #adayinthelife #clay #pottery # vases #instagood
thelittlereddoor: 🎃🎃🎃 want a pumpkin? Get your orders in for Hallowe'en items soon, after September 10 they'll be gone 👻👻👻
luizahentz7: Pássaros...
Majlee: midMorning
Majlee: backDoor
Majlee: teaLeaves