festive attyre: DSC01672
tazmania.crab: ComicMarket 2015 Winter day2-075
tazmania.crab: ComicMarket 2015 Winter day2-074
uk vintage: Avon 75747 _ Robert McGinnis
Digital_Rampage: Bane and the Boy Wonder!
scarygoround: Potty Mottram
gogo54: seamus/mickey--flying monkeys
katiecakes10000: Crusader 1
myladyswardrobe: The Beggars' Opera
Mme. du Jard: Robe à la francaise
Australian War Memorial collection: Unidentified soldier of the First AIF
eftimov-schenk-schwartz: Contemplating over the ancestral spear
eftimov-schenk-schwartz: Portrait of a young man with a flower
eftimov-schenk-schwartz: A pleasant journey in the past
eftimov-schenk-schwartz: Renaissance story
koizumi: ominaeshi
Elensari: francois_Duc_de_Alencon.jpg
Caravansarai: Worth Gown 1894
Elensari: Peacock5.jpg
rosewithoutathorn84: gorgeous Polonaise dress by Worth
dragonflydesignstudio: Side View/Bustle
dragonflydesignstudio: Victorian Mourning Gown
emcadorette: Two Tone Silk Bustle Dress tt back bustle
Lateefa: Seize the Moment