miwas: knife and asparagus
SciFi Geek: E-BarStool Trike - Second Coat of Paint
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Linus Gelber: Ninja v. Demon Hand
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Battledog: Morgue
FotoEdge: Ralph's Dancing
(Erik): What's for dinner?
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Wagner Machado Carlos Lemes: four-leaf clover / trevo de quatro folhas
Die Strafbar: So much the children play
MacGBeing: Hot Spot
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The Library of Congress: Wife of Jim Norris with canned goods, Pie Town, New Mexico (LOC)
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PamiKnows: crime scene
Photo David: Voodoo\\
Ian McWilliams.: Knife crime in the UK.
Pat Kilkenny: Eggplant harvested :: Black Beauty
Kevin Fedde: Lego Sattelite
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