"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Rock'n Roll High School Berlin Germany june 2017. Crime TDC, Hoper, Doom TWP Lyon
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Battle of schools final 2016 Berlin Alexanderplatz
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Old school session Crime TDC, Reqium89, Berlin, April 2017
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: BATTLE OF SCHOLS - FESTIVAL DER ZUKUNFT 3.0 Artist Requiem89
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Ronald Reagan former President of the U.S. and Michael Gorbatschow former President of Russia. Posing in Front of a Denots Crew Graffiti on a piece of the Berlin Wall. 2004
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: #BattleofSchools 2016 #GraffitiUnterricht #Berlin 6.Kl. Lauterbach Schule #CrimeTDC
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Character battle_of_schools 12. Kl.
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: #Yard5 Crime.TDC #Dejoe #Battleofschools #GraffitiJam #Berlin #RAW
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Battle of Schools 2016 Nominated Category Character By Anna 14 Years.
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Battke of schools 2015. Champion category Sketches Mia 10 Years
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Crazy Bubble Gum Robots Street Art Workshop
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Denots Crew Jamsession June 2015
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Denots Crew Jamsession June 2015
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Crime TDC Heta TWP France at work
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Crime TDC, Puppet TDS, Mastr TWP
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Crime TDC, Rokko Brainpaintcircle, Malte
"Battle of Schools" Street Art Championship Berlin: Meeting of Styles Wiesbaden 2013