crhphotographer: Portrait of rural woman
crhphotographer: Hammerman
crhphotographer: Working tools
crhphotographer: Working tools
crhphotographer: Working tools
crhphotographer: Working tools
crhphotographer: _DSC5871_1
crhphotographer: Painting
crhphotographer: Wedding in Havana
crhphotographer: Niña con su mascota
crhphotographer: Egyptian pyramids and sphinx, Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
crhphotographer: Retrato de hombre rural, Cuba
crhphotographer: Rural woman shop assistant
crhphotographer: Russian Orthodox Church in Havana
crhphotographer: Portraits of young people from the community project "Con Amor y Esperanza" for people with different abilities. Pinar del Río, Cuba.
crhphotographer: Portraits of young people from the community project "Con Amor y Esperanza" for people with different abilities. Pinar del Río, Cuba.
crhphotographer: Sunset at Lake Titicaca, Peru
crhphotographer: Mujer rural
crhphotographer: Coconut cone seller, traditional from eastern Cuba
crhphotographer: Chichén Itzá
crhphotographer: Devotees of San Lazaro make a pilgrimage every December 17 to the Sanctuary of El Rincón in Havana
crhphotographer: Street theater artist in Havana
crhphotographer: Florencia
crhphotographer: Florencia
crhphotographer: Florencia
crhphotographer: Florencia
crhphotographer: Florencia
crhphotographer: Sunset at the Roman Colosseum