ken'mos: upload
ken'mos: 愛沿著 拋物線 離幸福 總降落得差一點
抱歉你要找的人不在: If the rain mean yours love, so i got them everyday
Crusade.: The place.
Design Lab: 下山 downhill
Crusade.: Look Down.
Design Lab: 慶祝明天休假一天 celebrating off tomorrow..
golf9c9333: This, is everything.....
njleach: The big issues
Patrick Ng: Temporary filing of subscriptions from #littleprinter using Manila folders #citysuper #logonhk yes that typewriter behind is an #underwood born in 1919.
Patrick Ng: A month with #littleprinter , thinking of storage solution. Should probably photo copy feeds I like in case the thermal paper fade
FREDian: R0200058
Goston: 2013.09.20 桌面
Design Lab: Thanks my friends!
bluesphere: Week-End with NCSD
Y-ke's/: 名駅のタクシー
Y-ke's/: What's in my camera bag
JFLI0325: 日月潭朝霧碼頭
JFLI0325: 日月潭朝霧碼頭 (Explored on Aug 24, 2013)
JFLI0325: Zhaowu Pier
Design Lab: Hotel de Plus 24365 - Day 153 ☔ First Sunday morning at my new den in Berlin.
Patrick Ng: mangrove
黑山藥: 【相遇】
Ryan saga: 井仔腳___鹽田