kate*: I sure do love @littlefriendsof ! Excellent show you two!
recoat: Wrestlers- Artwork by David Galletly for "Wee" at Recoat Gallery
blanca helga: Exposición Casa
readysetinternet: Has anyone taken this photo b4??
powerpig: The Dream
lomokev: Emily Street Style portrait
malota: Lugares Sinfín
Seb Lester: *This is a lie. As far as I'm aware calligraphy does not get you laid.
Seb Lester: 'Wonder' - 23 3/4 carat gold original.
rexp2: Sweet Shop
VROG in Bristol: favourite shop in the world
malota: Pottery
Rick Nunn: New Adventures In Web Design — Attendees
crvigx: Nancy
Musée McCord Stewart Museum: Thomas McCord's house "The Grange," built in 1819 and situated opposite Black's Bridge, at the first lock of the Lachine Canal, Nazareth Fief, Montreal, QC, 1872
hello naomi: love bird wedding cake
ElifKalkan: Legit Sunday.
gentlepurespace: Good design is FELT - Poster
irana: new print
Seb Lester: Sums up today very nicely.