Bob Lee: Mexican Train
Bob Lee: Veiled Prophet
Bob Lee: Pet Parade
Bob Lee: Stange Loop @ The Tivoli
Bob Lee: Android Devices
Bob Lee: Family Room
Bob Lee: Happy Customer
Bob Lee: Cameraman
Bob Lee: Jim McKelvey
Bob Lee: Pizza Truck
Bob Lee: Square Thank You Screen
Bob Lee: Square Payment Screen
Bob Lee: Welcome to 1963 Rock St.
Bob Lee: Garden path
Bob Lee: Redwood
Bob Lee: Stairs leading to #24
Bob Lee: Foyer
Bob Lee: Kitchen with granite countertops
Bob Lee: Dining area
Bob Lee: Granite fireplace
Bob Lee: Windowscape
Bob Lee: Downstairs hallway
Bob Lee: Guest bedroom
Bob Lee: Guest bath
Bob Lee: Washer/dryer
Bob Lee: Downstairs master
Bob Lee: Lots of closet space
Bob Lee: Downstairs master bath
Bob Lee: Upstairs
Bob Lee: View from the loft