crazyangelblue: Hollywood Wigs, Hollywood Blvd.
crazyangelblue: Shiekh. (Hollywood Blvd.)
crazyangelblue: The way, the truth, the life.
crazyangelblue: Unfortunately, I have a little too many soap-flavored beans in my box. But I'm looking forward to the earthworm-flavored one I spied inside.
crazyangelblue: Going with the flow is soothing but risky...
crazyangelblue: Today in home-cooked meals: Microwave-steamed mussels in pasta.
crazyangelblue: Dinner at Wimpy's.
crazyangelblue: It didn't occur to me how much I want to have some Filipino food until we stepped into Nanay's. It was hard to decide which dish to order.
crazyangelblue: Hello, sashimi!
crazyangelblue: The Arizona dessert is definitely far from barren.
crazyangelblue: Found this baller along the trail to the summit. The entire line written on it was "Fuck you, cancer, you fucking fuckity fuck!" Awesome fighting words!
crazyangelblue: Swore off climbing mountains, I did. Well, I broke that one now.
crazyangelblue: A cotton weaver, a tinsmith, and a musician.
crazyangelblue: Jousting! Huzzah!
crazyangelblue: Crossing this out from my bucket list: Attend a Renaissance Fair.
crazyangelblue: Van Goghing somewhere.
crazyangelblue: The dome above the Foucault pendulum inside the Griffith Observatory.
crazyangelblue: Los Angeles is full of well-made street murals and random graffiti. The kind of city that I like.
crazyangelblue: Touch of Venice.
crazyangelblue: Venice Beach attracts lots of street performers, like this cheeky English acrobat.
crazyangelblue: Dear God: Please keep everybody I love safe.
crazyangelblue: Men and women performing Native American dances at El Pueblo de Los Ángeles.
crazyangelblue: At the Griffith Observatory, the entrance is not really an entrance. Could it be an astronomy joke I just didn't get?
crazyangelblue: Elderly Hispanic couples dancing gaily at the plaza near Paseo de Los Angeles.
crazyangelblue: The Blessing of the Animals.
crazyangelblue: A young couple wearing (what I think was) traditional Indian wedding attire, walking towards the Union Station.
crazyangelblue: They sure look angry. The level of spiciness definitely screams angry. And I only have it on "mild". 😅
crazyangelblue: Tonight, we thought of having some annoyed crustaceans for dinner.
crazyangelblue: Large murals covering an entire building wall is not unusual among the houses and buildings along Venice Beach.