Photos By JM: Pine Marten
Daniel.Pettersson: Lophophanes cristatus | Crested Tit | tofsmes
Daniel.Pettersson: Calidris maritima | Purple Sandpiper | skärsnäppa
Steve Santel: Northern Saw-whet owl
Daniel Cadieux: Wood Duck Winter Wonderland.
andreas_fery: Rauhreif
patricia.hoedts: Territ de tres dits - Correlimos tridactilo - Sanderling - Bécasseau sanderling - Calidris alba
Thomas Retterath: Curiosity
RJSchutDigitaal: Egel - Hedgehog - Braunbrustigel - Hérisson d'Europe - Erinaceus europaeus
david__barkman: First Light
pacoocolo: cigüeñuela Ex 263_5.2
Thomas Retterath: The duster
Solchlo 64: Couple de Panures à moustaches
gcampbellphoto: Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway: Trane - Common Crane
juewes: LR_IMG_2025_01_11_426641-TNTS
sambirder06: House Sparrow
andreas_fery: Garstadter Seen
Thomas Retterath: Monkey business
Solchlo 64: Martin pêcheur d'Europe
JEO126: Red-billed oxpecker
alainclement: long-eared Owl of the garden - Hibou moyen duc du jardin Laysan Albatross
ricklebaudour: Rough-legged Hawk after the pounce
glostopcat: Long-tailed Tit - Slimbridge WWT