[salsus]: Messy hair, don't care.
jessamyn: Winooski - third location so far
dghaskell: IMG_0140[1]
dghaskell: IMG_0052[1]
dghaskell: DSCN5512
janatwod@yahoo.com: Waiting for Frances
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thespaceelephant: 15552834725_833b6192a4_o
dghaskell: 20140818_170324
Boston Public Library: Boys walk down path near the Island Inn Hotel, Monhegan Island, Maine
Boston Public Library: Reflections of homes in windows, Monhegan Island, Maine
dghaskell: Hugs!
dghaskell: DSCN4861
Boston Public Library: Elementary school recess, Reading
dghaskell: All smiles,
ansellarch: IMG_20140214_071856
dana and thread: I made it again
foxcox2: busy city baby quilt
Jody from NJ: Modern Trees
dghaskell: DSCN4139
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dghaskell: DSCN4231
dghaskell: DSCN4301
ericajackman: striped chevron quilt
gaydenesse: Bicycle Baby Quilt
pinotprincess: chevron quilt ready to quilt
Anna Seckman: Katy quilt - front