Erik Griswold: Another victim of #TrafficViolence. This streetlamp, on the side of a 45 mph #stroad will have to be replaced at a significant cost. Likely not paid by the insurance of the motorist (especially of it was a hit & run) responsible, the city will have to pay
Erik Griswold: In which someone at @foothilltransit OD’d on #unnecessaryquotationmarks #unnecessaryquotes #unnecessaryquotations
szeke: Stockholm
szeke: Prague
szeke: Venice Beach
szeke: Cargo Ship
szeke: Rottnest Island
szeke: Rottnest
szeke: Perth
szeke: Perth
szeke: Havana
szeke: Havana
szeke: Cuba
szeke: Boulder, Colorado
dsearls: 2016_08_08_ewr-lax_038
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against Donald Trump
ubrayj02: GOPR0328_1468515302892_high
Matt (mistergoleta): Armenian Genocide Memorial
szeke: Loire Valley
Erik Griswold: FenwayTron
Erik Griswold: Cape Cod & Hyannis Railroad 1985
margarethe brummermann: Crotalus cerastes Wilshire Grand
Fibonacci Blue: March to honor Sandra Bland and protest deaths of black women in police custody Wilshire Grand with Lightning
szeke: Ljubljana Cathedral